Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fun In The Sun

This is our fun in the sun family day during October break. The school pool was being painted over the holiday, so we decided to visit the pool at a local hotel. What a fun day!
Can't really tell you what Anna is signing in the above picture. Recently, whenever we take her picture she has been making different odd symbols with her hands, like she's a gangster. I don't really think she means "peace" or anything like that... maybe she means "be quiet", or maybe "bunny ears on an invisible bunny"?!?
I'll have to ask her later about this particular one... she's sleeping now.

Ben enjoyed the water, but the sun was so intense and bright that we kept his red shirt on to spare his skin, and the rest of us from blindness at the glare off his very white belly.

We are ready for the the 2012 Summer Olympics...

Sarah was taking a turn at using the baby sea turtle floatie.

Ben was using the "mommy floatie."

One of Anna's more graceful jumps off of Daddy's shoulders.

And please don't worry, the edge of the pool appears closer than it actually is...


Johanna said...

it looks like you guys had a great time! Anna looks like Nixon!

Mer said...

Yeah what a fun day!!!! It's hard to get all those pool pics because it seems like more trouble than it's worth!! Definitely worth it. I'm glad Jeff had a break and ya'll had some family time. The girls look BEAUTIFUL!!!! All of you!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun day!!! Your kiddos are getting so BIG! Miss you much!

becca said...

What a fun, fun day!!! You all look so happy. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy October break to you!

Mom and Dad O said...

There's just something weird about seeing pool pictures with frost on the pumpkins!!!!!!! How much fun you guys all have! We want to join you!!!!!! I can remember the hotel & the pool..... Calgon take me away!!!!!!!!! Love to you all!