At the end of the first term, Anna was able to give Jeff and I a tour around her classroom where we saw all of the projects she has been working on over the last eight weeks.
The class has been reading "Flat Stanley" as a read-aloud book, and this is her depiction of what Flat Stanley looks like:
Anna received an "Eddy Elephant" award this term as well. Anna's writing attempts have come a long way in the last several weeks. She has always enjoyed writing, but she has been especially focused on improving her skills this term.

"This is a picture from my computer in class. I made a picture. We were making rhymes about them. I forgot my rhyme. "
"This is a picture of my house and it has words on it that you can read them. "

"This is a house I made out of straws. It was for the three little pig stories. We were learning about houses. What kind of material it is made out of and what it has in it. "
"This is about when I was making a houseboat. But it isn't finished yet. But these are the plans and the idea of the house. You will see at the pictures what it will look like when I am done."

A few skills not pictured here that Anna has mastered in the last few weeks have been greetings, colors, and counting to 20 in French. She also participated in swimming club and gymnastics club. Her teacher is Miss Narelle from Australia, who used to be a gymnastics trainer.
1 comment:
Annalise, you are so smart!!! I love your pictures and all your school work. Allie liked the straw house the best and wants to try to build one today:) She just started gymnastics last week. Have mommy take some video of you!!! We would love to see you...all of you!
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