Anna was in her element as a budding explorer, whereas Sarah was a bit less enthusiastic.
Ben was enjoying every aspect of this experience!
Ben enjoyed the water, but the sun was so intense and bright that we kept his red shirt on to spare his skin, and the rest of us from blindness at the glare off his very white belly.
Sarah was taking a turn at using the baby sea turtle floatie.
Ben was using the "mommy floatie."
And please don't worry, the edge of the pool appears closer than it actually is...
Anna received an "Eddy Elephant" award this term as well. Anna's writing attempts have come a long way in the last several weeks. She has always enjoyed writing, but she has been especially focused on improving her skills this term.
"This is a picture of my house and it has words on it that you can read them. "
"This is a house I made out of straws. It was for the three little pig stories. We were learning about houses. What kind of material it is made out of and what it has in it. "
"This is about when I was making a houseboat. But it isn't finished yet. But these are the plans and the idea of the house. You will see at the pictures what it will look like when I am done."
One quiet morning, while the girls were in school, Ben and I were spending some precious time on the front porch. Between his one and two word phrases, and grunts, groans and pointing... we were able to figure out the activity that he was begging to play.
Ben's "way" is to manipulate the dice when they don't roll the way he likes...
...and to give a hearty cheer and clap when he gets just what he was hoping for!
We must not forget the writing of our new addition sentences.
And, of course, we only end the activity with a result we are proud of!