This year we began a new celebration in our house. It is St.Lucia Day from Sweden. We adapted this holiday from the same book "Celebrating the Christian Year" by Martha Zimmerman. The oldest daughter is supposed to rise early, dress like St. Lucia (which means "Queen of Light") and serve the family breakfast in bed with a candle crown.
While Anna didn't have an actual candle in her crown, she DID make a crown and delivered breakfast in bed with a candle on the tray.
Then she told each family member the story of St.Lucia.

She was SOOOO excited to do this and put on my white robe, her crown, and prepared a breakfast of fresh buns, fruit, and apple juice to deliver to each family member. She then told the story as I have transcribed it above. She definitely surprised Jeff, Sarah and Ben with this treat. It will probably be the first of many times that we remember this precious girl and how much she loved her Lord.
LOVE IT! You are so creative in making faith come alive for your kids. It's wonderful! Anna, you did such a great job!
What a beautiful memory! Jenn you are a great Mom...... We praise God for you and Jeff..... Thank you for being obedient to His call. We love you all. Anna..... you did a fantabulus (!) job!!!!! Those sweet rolls look ohhhhhhh sooooo good! (Could you make Gramma some next summer?) Love you......Gramma & Pop-Pop O!
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