Bleary eyed Ben joined us for breakfast and worked hard to be grumpy, but still ended up in giggles as he usually does when we are together at the table. We went over our verse, prayed together then gathered up backpacks with water bottles and snacks, put Ben in a backpack too, snapped a few pictures and we were all off.... The whole family riding on a dirt road filled with potholes, in the cool Kilimanjaro morning air. Ben was in his glory, on my back, filling his cheeks with brisk air and saying "Go, go, go!"
I believe it was adrenaline that allowed the girls to reach the school in record time as it is uphill the entire ride! Anna was in her glory, and said "Goodbye Ben, Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" Quick hugs all around and she disappeared to meet up with her teacher, Miss Narelle. Only half a second of fingers in the mouth, when she caught herself and ran off with big smiles.
Sarah clung tightly to my hand as we toured her classroom, met her teacher, and greeted friends she knows. She asked if I could stay for a while. So, Ben and I helped her choose a puzzle to start with and about halfway through she planted a kiss on Ben's cheek and said goodbye to him. Then she gave me a nice hug and said, "I guess I'll see you in a little while!"
A few hours later I returned and an excited and chattering Sarah raced on her bicycle to beat me home so that she could tell me all the exciting things she did in her class that day. WHO CAN STAND SOOOO MUCH EXCITEMENT IN THEIR LIFE?!? These girls of ours.... :)
We biked, wait, no I biked up to the school with Ben on my back, Sarah and lunch in the bike trailer (thanks Aunt Joy Osborne!). Talk about an initiation into the world of exercise for mom!!! Anna was beside herself trying to discern which thrilling event she would tell me about first.
We enjoyed eating lunch together at the playground before Daddy went back to work and the children and I coasted all the way back home...
And so begins a new chapter in the life of the Holcomb family.
Wow, that is soooo fantastic! Thanks for letting us have a slice of this exciting new stage of life for you all. I'm so glad that it went so well!
I LOVE IT!!!Thanks so much for sharing it in DETAIL!!!! I can finally imagine what you are doing over there. I know the girls are feeling like such big girls now going to school. Allie starts next week! We miss you! Enjoy your sweet time with Ben.
oh this sounds like so much fun!
so glad you are blogging & we can get a little slice of the "bananas" of your life :)
their excitement for school is wonderful! So cute! Can't wait for Abraham to have that same enthusiasm!
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