These sweet girls are very excited, because they will be attending International School Moshi in just a few short weeks. This is a very big decision for our family as we have always intended to homeschool, and have already begun our homeschooling experience. However, after much prayer and consideration for what might be best for our girls at this point in time, we have decided to enroll them at the International School. Please pray for us as this will be a big transition for all of us. We are excited about what God has in store for our family this year.
YAY! It's so fun to read what you're up to. Will ISM be an all-day, 5 day a week school program? Will the girls be in class together? What will you do with yourself with just Ben at home?! (HA!) I pray this new stage for your family goes well for all!
You have been a busy little blogger! So neat to read your new posts. I also pray for God's grace to see you through this transition and that you will be happy with your decision.
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