Here's the happy kid eating his Birthday cinnamon roll!

Since I was able to go to Scotland, I visited a Disney store and picked up a few novelty items from the movie "Cars!" Ben LOVES that movie and was so excited to see the "Car" things. Here he is talking on his "Car" cell phone.
Also, I find it interesting that the BIG sisters were dying to play with their 2 year old brothers new toys!

Look at all the new Hot Wheels!

Ben getting a Birthday ride around the garden with Mr.Daniel!

My feeble attempt at Lightening McQueen... it would be pretty accurate if it didn't look like it just smashed into a wall! Hee hee! Ben loved it though and knew RIGHT AWAY what it was! "Mom - wook! Caw!"
His words, not mine.

Goofy Benjamin with his FAVORITE meal of hotdogs and homemade fries.

Ben's favorite friend, four year old Franky.

The sugar is hitting the system... with an entire bottle of RED food coloring... It was pink until I used the WHOLE bottle~ ASK JEFF!

Happy Birthday, you sweet boy! :)